Building bricks for your future
Bricks are the building blocks of a building and you may have used it as a metaphor where ...
Legacy Apps: keep, modernise or replace it?
Companies that rely on their core softwares for their main activity, such as banks with ...
Our Diversity is what makes us unique
We are a diverse bunch! In a world that is changing and evolving every day, Optimation is ...
The legacy threat
Some people love vintage goods and most of the items that once were considered modern are ...
Optimates stories - William’s journey to becoming a Graduate Developer
Challenge accepted. It seems like a good idea to start this article with a bold ...
Putting people at the heart of public-sector transformations
Tackling Digital Transformation in government can be hugely complex. That is why it is ...
How our transition support will speed the digital transformation in your business
While Transition is the most critical foundation to any successful outsource, it does not ...
Why you should outsource application support
Greater value from overall application spend, better business outcomes, and reduced costs ...
The benefits of low-code development platforms
If, as CIO Magazine says, design thinking is ‘the secret to digital success’, then ...
Our Digital Transformation framework
Ask 10 different CIO’s what Digital Transformation means and you will probably get 10 ...