News and Thoughts

The legacy threat

Written by Optimation Group | June 17, 2019

Some people love vintage goods and most of the items that once were considered modern are now coming back to the shops and décor catalogues as a trend, the retro trend. If you still own some old and well looked after toys or decoration items, you can now sell them for a very generous price online. Owning a retro car, for example, is considered a luxury.

But when looking into an old software – aka legacy applications – that status drastically changes. Some brands, such as Microsoft, made an effort to follow this trend and keep alive the “look and feel” of some of their old systems. But technology rapidly evolves and applications demand maintenance and adaptability that goes beyond visual design.

With over 32k likes on Twitter and 45k on Instagram, that was a positive branding strategy. But does that mean that Microsoft didn’t modernise their systems? Not at all. After all, in the business world, it's all about efficiency and profitability, especially when dealing with critical platforms.   

Gartner describes legacy as "it can be based on outdated technologies, but it is critical to day-to-day operations." According to, a legacy system is an "obsolete computer system that may still be in use because its data cannot be changed to newer or standard formats, or because its application programs cannot be upgraded."

But there are more aspects that can define a legacy system that goes beyond age. The state-of-the-art technology examples that we see such as Apple and Google, show us that a core application or system should be modernised before becoming obsolete or outdated.  Some aspects that these world-class tech companies look into the most include performance and efficiency, compliance with modern business requirements, compatibility and ability to integrate, and maintenance cost.

The threat

Application modernisation can be, in general, a time-consuming and costly task. However, the cost of running vital business processes on outdated software can be even greater. Most software systems, unlike good cars, do not improve with age. Keeping a legacy application is costing you money every day:

  • In higher maintenance costs
  • In ability to delight users
  • Increasingly slower to extend
  • And, most importantly, your competitors could eat you alive.

An updated technology can enhance your customers’ experience and satisfaction: 62% of consumers say they are likely to become a repeat customer of a business that uses modern technology.

How we can help

Whether you need a consultation to help identify and address challenges, or customised solutions for specific tech needs and/or ongoing IT support, we deliver it all. We draw on deep capabilities and a breath of experience across Optimation’s design, development and support teams to deliver the benefits of modernisation and transformation.

From application modernisation to a complete rework, we are here to help. 

Our flexible view of redevelopment encompasses options to rewrite what you have in a modern language, re-envision and optimise business processes with a new development, or we can identify and extract key features and functionality and integrate them into a third-party best-of-breed platform.

Our capability is proven by the work we have done with the Medical Council of New Zealand, where we have re-designed and built a new bespoke application to help streamline essential services.



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